
Outdoor 3 Seater Chair SS Body


500.00 Cashback

Visitor seater is mostly visible in the hospitals in the outdoor section for waitings. That’s why we made this SS Visitor silver 3 Seater to fulfill that huge demand of the market. It is made by S.S pipe & seat

10 in stock

Warranty: 6 Months


Outdoor 3 Seater SS Body

Visitor seater is mostly visible in the hospitals in the outdoor section for waitings. Therefore, we made this SS Visitor silver 3 Seater to fulfill that huge demand of the market. Nowadays these seats are also being used by different institutions too. So the demand is increasing. We do not compromise with quality. It is made by S.S pipe & seat

Additional information


SS Pipe

Product Category

Hospital Furniture, Institutional Furniture

Product Type

3 Seater Visitor Chair

Size Specification

1803 mm x 787 mm x 660 mm

Size in detail

Depth 2 ft 1 in, Height 2 ft 6 in, Width 5 ft 10 in


Any institution, Hospitals, Institutions

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